Waiata and Karakia in NZSL
Turi Māori experience barriers in accessing te ao Māori. Te Rōpū Kaitiaki has provided the NZSL Board with cultural advice to dismantle these barriers.
There are not many waiata readily available in NZSL, and it can be a challenge for people to translate from te reo Māori into NZSL because it means relying on the English translation, a process where the original meaning can become lost. This was the rationale behind the process of translating the waiata into NZSL by breaking down the waiata from the original version rather than the English.
The process
In 2022, the former Office for Disability Issues (now Whaikaha) carried out an expression of interest process to select members of the rōpū waiata.
A panel was convened to select members of the project and the following members were selected for the rōpū waiata:
There was also support from Māori NZSL interpreters, and Melissa Simchowitz, with her theatre and media interpreting expertise to provide advice on timing and clarity of the NZSL signs used. Aperahama Hurihanganui of Engaging Well provided the te reo Māori expertise and explained the meaning behind each waiata and the karakia.
The rōpū waiata members discussed waiata they would like to translate – there are many options and they decided upon:
- Ehara e te mea – Eru Timoko Ihaka (Te Aupori)
- Purea Nei – Henare Mahanga (Ngāti Hine)
- Me He Manu Rere (unknown)
- Whakataka te Hau (unknown)
A wānanga was organised in early June.During this session Aperahama helped the members to truly understand the meaning of the waiata and the stories behind them, so the group could make sure the NZSL version reflected the te reo Māori and didn’t rely on the English translation.
Another wānanga was organised with only the Māori Deaf members of the rōpū to continue brainstorming the NZSL for the waiata. An innovative method was carried out where Abby of Engaging Well externalcreated audio files and these were used to develop ‘karaoke’ type videos to help with the timing of the NZSL signs. This method helped the rōpū work together, figure out the appropriate NZSL to truly convey the meaning of the waiata. Videos were sent to Melissa Simchowitz for checking the timing and whether it made sense as she was not involved in the Turi Māori-only session so her perspective was fresh.
The process was interesting to watch as the rōpū considered the meaning of each waiata and the karakia, and they wanted to make sure the NZSL showed this. The rōpū worked together to create the NZSL, and the Deaf-only time meant they had the confidence to support each other and provide feedback in a safe manner.
The final session was a weekend in Masterton – we had initially booked a marae to film at but unfortunately, at the last minute the marae was needed for a tangi, so we had to change direction and used local scenery as a backdrop. Filming was carried out in partnership with Deaf Aotearoa. The day worked out well and the rōpū can be proud of the work they produced themselves.
Ngā waiata
Ehara i te mea (Eru Timoko Ihaka, Te Aupouri)
This is a waiata that is commonly sung at gatherings such as pōwhiri, tangihanga and other events.
This waiata is about aroha being passed down from our tīpuna, as well as whakapono (faith) and tūmanako (hope). The NZSL sign used for tūmanakao in this waiata is based on hope coming from the head and the heart with dreams and aspirations for the future.
Ehara i te mea Nō nāianei te aroha Nō ngā tūpuna Tuku iho, tuku iho
Te whenua, te whenua Te oranga o te iwi Nō nga tūpuna Tuku iho, tuku iho
Whakapono, tūmanako Te aroha, te aroha Nō ngā tūpuna Tuku iho, tuku iho
Not the thing Of recent times, is love But by the ancestors it has been Passed down, passed down
From the land, the land Comes the wellbeing of the people By the ancestors it has been Passed down, passed down
Faith, hope And love By the ancestors they have been Passed down, passed down |
Purea Nei (Hirini Melbourne , Ngāti Hine)
This is a waiata that is sung in more serious contexts. It is about using nature to free yourself of restraints that bind you down.
Purea nei e te hau Horoia e te ua Whitiwhitia e te rā Mahea ake ngā pōraruraru Makere ana ngā here
E rere wairua, e rere Ki ngā ao o te rangi Whitiwhitia e te rā Mahea ake ngā pōraruraru Makere ana ngā here Makere ana ngā here |
Scattered by the wind Washed by the rain And transformed by the sun All doubts are swept away And all restraints are cast down
Fly o free spirit, fly To the clouds in the heavens Transformed by the sun With all doubts swept away And all restraints cast down Yes, all restraints are cast down |
Me he manu rere (unknown)
This is a waiata that is sung in fun contexts such as parties or when people get together to have a good time. It is typically not sung at tangihanga. The waiata is about if one was to become a bird, they would like to embrace the person that is sleeping. While their bodies are asleep, their wairua (spirit) are awake and ‘interacting’ with each other.
Me he manu rere ahau e Kua rere ki tō moenga Ki te awhi tō tinana Aue, aue E te tau, tahuri mai
Kei te moe te tinana Kei te oho te wairua Kei te hotu te manawa Aue, aue E te tau, tahuri mai
If I was a bird I would fly to your bed To embrace your body Oh, oh My darling, turn to me
Although my body is sleeping My spirit is aroused And my heart throbs with desire Oh, oh My darling, turn to me |
Whakataka te hau (Unknown)
This is a well-known karakia which can also be sung as a waiata. It is about embracing the cold winds from the west to the east, and the cold on the land and coast. An important aspect of the karakia is the red-lipped dawn that appears just before the sun rises – this is a taonga. Another important part of the karakia is the getting together of people and working together.
Whakataka te hau ki te uru Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta Kia mātaratara ki tai
E hī ake ana te atakura He tio, he huka, he hauhunga
Haumi e! Hui e! Taikī e! |
The wind swings to the west Then turns into a southerly
Making it prickly cold inland And pieringly cold on the coast
May the dawn rise red-tipped On ice, on snow, on frost
Join! Gather! Intertwine! |
If you are keen to practice the waiata but at a slower pace, the rōpū have created videos signing them slower.