Round 8 recipents

These projects received funding in Round 8 of the NZSL Fund, awarded in July 2021.

The Government supports the maintenance and promotion of NZSL, as an official language of New Zealand, through the activities carried out by the NZSL Board. The NZSL Board has a total of $1.645m per annum to allocate to activities designed to maintain and promote NZSL. Its priorities are set out in the NZSL Strategy (2018-2023).

The NZSL Board opens a funding application round once a year. Round 8 open in March 2021 giving the Deaf community the chance to put forward their ideas. A small number of applications were received with three applications approved. We believe this is due to NZSL Week grants for Deaf community members being made available at the same time this year.

Each annual funding round will now be opened in March each year. 

Successful projects

Deaf Diversity Around the Kitchen Table


A series of films exploring the different and unique lives of Deaf New Zealanders. These will provide the opportunity for all Deaf to learn more about themselves, to gain greater confidence, to be proud of their identity and culture, and history.

Deaf Wellbeing Society has much experience with filming around food. We believe the preparing of a meal is a universal practice that is filled with celebration and love. It is the perfect time to bring together different Deaf people to learn about each other while preparing a feast to share. Barriers, such as social awkwardness are often dropped, and people are more relaxed around the kitchen table.

Auckland Deaf Society (ADS) Incorporated

Family and Whānau Fun day in partnership with APODC and DANZ First Signs


Auckland Deaf Society held its first interactive day for families with Deaf children on Sunday 21 March at the clubrooms in Hillsborough. This was a very successful inaugural event and there was a lot of positive feedback, along with a number of requests for the event be repeated.

This funding will pay for a second interactive day to deliver a similar event with a different theme and different presenters. We will retain the highly collaborative nature of our first event, with our primary collaborative partners being Auckland Parents of Deaf Children (APODC) and Deaf Aotearoa's First Signs service.

The concept of having simultaneous entertainment for the children, with supervision from older Deaf Youth role models with volunteers from Ko Taku Reo's pre-school, while parents attend presentations by key members of the Deaf community, remains unchanged.

Auckland Parents of Deaf Children Incorporated

APODC Family Camp 2022


2022 Auckland Parents of Deaf Children (APODC) Family Camp to be held at Camp Carey Park, will provide an NZSL interactive learning experience for approximately 35 families and whanau from across Auckland. Traditional camp activities will be augmented by some new activities this year selected from the camp activity list. Drama, cookery, inventor’s lab, and problem-solving activities will provide wider choice beyond the more physical options which APODC has tended to select in past years.

APODC camp provides many families first connection to others with families with Deaf and HOH children, and it provides a glimpse into the sense of relief, hope, and belonging which many be experienced as a result of connecting with the APODC community.