About Te Rōpū Kaitiaki

Te Rōpū Kaitiaki is a Turi (Deaf) Māori led strategic advisory group that works in partnership with the New Zealand Sign Language Board and Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People. Te Rōpū Kaitiaki was established in 2022. 

The aims of Te Rōpū Kaitiaki are to provide advice and Turi Māori perspective to the NZSL Board, and to progress a workplan to improve outcomes for Turi Māori. This includes improving access to te ao Māori through NZSL, growing the leadership capability of Turi Māori and developing resources and strategic contribution so that the needs and aspirations of Turi Māori are considered by decision makers. The NZSL Board has set aside funding for Te Rōpū Kaitiaki to achieve this work. 

Two representatives from Te Rōpū Kaitiaki attend NZSL Board meetings to provide Turi Māori perspective to the discussions. 

If you wish to contact Te Rōpū Kaitiaki with ideas or feedback, you can find our details on the contact us webpage.