Current NZSL Board members

The current NZSL Board members are:

nzsl david mckee

David McKee

Dr McKee is a recognised expert in NZSL and worked as the Research Director of the Deaf Studies Research Unit at Victoria University of Wellington until his recent retirement. He has extensive governance experience, including serving on the combined Board of the Deaf Education Centres and as chairperson of Deaf Aotearoa Holdings Limited. He was nominated by Deaf Aotearoa to be on the NZSL Board.

(Appointment effective from 8 May 2024 to 30 June 2025)

nzsl catherine greenwood

Catherine Greenwood

Catherine has a wealth of experience across the Deaf and hearing communities in both paid and voluntary roles, with a history of participation in a range of organisations, including Auckland Deaf Society and early childhood providers for her children. She is currently completing her Masters in Language & Culture at AUT University. Catherine brings a strong knowledge of the challenges children face accessing and learning NZSL, linguistics, language planning and policies.

nzsl joanne becker

Joanne Becker

Joanne has a broad knowledge of how government operates due to being a public servant. She has been involved in the Deaf community for many years including committee work for different groups.  As a Board member she has a great understanding of issues and barriers the Deaf community face to support NZSL Board decisions.

(Appointment effective from 1 July 2022 for a three-year term)

nzsl jaime brown

Jaime Brown

Jaime is hearing and brings both personal and professional experience from the Deaf Community.  With ten years’ experience as a NZSL teacher and now a qualified NZSL interpreter. She previously owned a business that provided NZSL teaching services and demonstrates strong partnership and collaboration with Deaf people/organisations. Jaime has a strong focus and drive to make information and services accessible in NZSL.

(Appointment effective from 1 July 2022 for a three-year term)

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Erica Dawson

Erica holds a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology, a Certificate in Deaf Studies from Victoria University of Wellington and is the Deaf Cultural Lead at Deaf Aotearoa. She joins the board with 15 years of experience working in Deaf organisations across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand, including nine years of involvement supporting the delivery of NZSL Week.

Erica believes that fostering relationships and collaboration with "hearing allies" is crucial for the Deaf community's advancement and is passionate about NZSL.

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Monica Leach

Originally from the UK, Monica lives in West Auckland with her family, including two teenage CODAs (Child/ren of Deaf Adult/s) and is an active member within Deaf and NZSL communities with 10+ years’ experience as a qualified NZSL teacher.

Alongside teaching, she holds other contracted roles to support Deaf, NZSL and projects focused on supporting people with disabilities. As a board member, she brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of Deaf people who face barriers and issues. She is passionate about making improvements to accessible spaces.

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Kim Robinson

Kim is an active member of the Deaf Community and is currently living in Te Tai Tokerou. He is an advocate for Deaf rights and is passionate about breaking down barriers holding Deaf people back from being able to fully participate in society.

A trip to the United States in 1990 provided Kim with extra motivation to seek out improved access options for the Deaf community in New Zealand. His commitment to ensuring Deaf people are heard and their needs met has seen him made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) in 2019 for services to the Deaf community.

Kim brings extensive governance and administration experience to the Board and is committed to the promotion and maintenance of NZSL.

His favourite saying is:

“Ki te whai mana te reo Pākehā me whai mana anō ō tātou reo ōkawa”

If it is important to say in English, then it’s important to say it in our official languages.